2021 Virtual Puget Sound Days on the Hill
Since we still can't convene in person, this year's Puget Sound Day on the Hill will again be a series of virtual events with the Washington congressional delegation, federal officials, and special guests.
Puget Sound Partnership and the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission invite you to participate in our virtual Puget Sound Days on the Hill. These events are currently scheduled on Fridays from 1:00–2:30 p.m. (Pacific Time), April 23–May 21. Additional notes will be provided prior to each session. We’ll discuss Puget Sound restoration and protection, salmon recovery efforts, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and infrastructure, among other topics.
Register now for 2021 Puget Sound Days on the Hill, and keep checking the new Puget Sound Days on the Hill site for the latest information. You can also sign up for our listserv.