Shared Strategy for Puget Sound
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Salmon Recovery Plan
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Initiative 933

Staff Memorandum to the Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Council. September 11, 2006. Synopsis and Preliminary Analysis of Initiative 933
This memorandum provides a synopsis of Initiative 933 (I-933) and a summary of analyses conduced by and available from state agencies and other organizations concerning potential impacts on habitat protection. The draft Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan submitted to NOAA Fisheries in June 2005 identifies the need to take a proactive stance to protect existing physical habitat and habitat forming processes to ensure the recovery of Chinook salmon. This memorandum was requested by the Recovery Council at its meeting on July 27, 2006 to assess the potential impact of the Initiative on the implementation of the Recovery Plan.

Potential Financial Impacts of I–933: Concerning Government Regulation of Private Property


Shared Strategy for Puget Sound | 1411 4th Avenue, Suite 1015 | Seattle, WA 98101 | 206.447.3336