Shared Strategy for Puget Sound

Puget Sound Communities Working Together to Create a Future for Both People and Salmon

The Shared Strategy is a groundbreaking collaborative initiative by Puget Sound communities to protect and restore salmon runs.



About Shared Strategy
What's Happening in Your Area?
Salmon Recovery in Puget Sound
Stories of Progress


Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan Final Adoption. Click here >>


NEW: Draft Monitoring and Adaptive Management Approach (MAMA) for the Puget Sound Chinook Salmon Recovery Plan: The Shared Strategy for Puget Sound is accepting comments on the new draft until November 16, 2007. Send comments to Millie Judge, Associate Director.

This Draft Plan consists of three volumes:

What's Happening in your area?
Stories of

Watershed Profiles: Learn more about restoration activities and salmon in your watershed.

Featured Story: Turning the Tide for Salmon on the Nisqually Delta. Restoration project opens up valuable estuarine habitat for Endangered Chinook salmon. (Read about it and other Stories of Progress ...)

Shared Strategy's Online Newsletter: Find out the latest happenings in Puget Sound to create a future for people and salmon.

Puget Sound Partnership. Read about Governor Gregoire's major initiative to protect and restore Puget Sound.

"Renewing the Countryside: Washington." Shared Strategy partners to publish a collection of forty-three stories about individuals who are sustaining and revitalizing rural Washington. Order now.

Shared Strategy for Puget Sound, 1411 4th Avenue, Suite 1015, Seattle, WA 98101, 206.447.3336